Nibblr Box: A New Snacking Service. (Get a Free Box!)

One of my favorite things to get in the mail are my snacking subscriptions. There’s nothing better than opening your mailbox and seeing a box full of delicious goodies just waiting to be munched!
I have been getting a Graze box for almost 2 years now, and I think one of my favorite things about it is the portion control and portability of their snacks. Even so, after receiving so many Graze boxes over such a long period of time, I began to get a bit bored of their snack offerings and set out in search of a similar snack company. A Harlot Beauty reader suggested Nibblr to me, and I was thrilled to see how similar they were to Graze. (Scroll to the end to find out how to get a free box!)
 What is a Nibblr Box?
Nibblr is a company that delivers boxes of healthy, nutritious snacks to your door and only costs $6 per box. The more you pay for up front, the less they cost! Each box contains 4 individually contained snacks that are pre-portioned for you to take on the go, or enjoy at home. You can choose to get the boxes delivered once a month,  bi-weekly, or weekly.
What kind of Snacks are there?
You can visit their site here for more photos, but their snacks include dried fruits, nuts and seeds, savory mixes, chocolate mixes, you name it! There are currently over 70 snacks to choose from, and they are always coming out with new snacks to keep it interesting!

Can I customize my boxes?
Sort of! Once you join, you’ll be able to look through all the snacks that Nibblr has to offer and rate them “Love It, Like It, Interested or No Thanks.” Choose “Interested” if you’re not sure how you feel about the snack, but are open to trying it, “Like It” if you’re interested in trying, “Love It” if you think/know you’ll love it and want it to be sent to you frequently, or “No Thanks” if you know you never want to be sent any particular snack.

Nibblr will then choose snacks for you and put them into your box to try. You will then have the opportunity to adjust your ratings accordingly as you try different snacks, so the longer you subscribe, the more customized your boxes will be!
Can I pause my subscription?
Nibblr is super customizable, and you are able to pause subscriptions until you want to start up again! You can also change the frequency that you receive boxes as often as you’d like.

How do I subscribe?
Simply visit The Nibblr Website and sign up! If you are interested in getting a free box, you can use my referral code when you sign up:

Just type that in when it asks for a referral code, and you’ll get your free box! You can cancel with just the click of the button if you decide you don’t like it, there’s no hassle or complicated cancellation, and trust me, you won’t want to stop getting these! 
I’ve seen a few people on the Nibblr facebook complaining about being charged for their free box. If you see a charge, it is only so that Nibblr can verify that the credit card you used at signup belongs to you. The charge WILL be removed, and you will not be charged for your free box. No worries! 🙂
  What does a Nibblr Box look like?
 The set up of Nibblr boxes is similar to Graze Box, in that they both have the same size snack containers Nibblr’s boxes are long and skinny where Graze boxes are a larger rectangle. Nibblr also includes a cute poster along with your first box:

My fiance loves to use the word “Hangry” because he always gets grumpy when he hasn’t eaten. This cute poster went right up on our fridge!

 Someone from the Nibblr team also signs the poster, which is a nice personal touch!

Examples of Boxes
Here’s an example of some of the boxes that I’ve received.
(click to enlarge!)
Why I get both Graze and Nibblr
A lot of people have asked me why I subscribe to both Nibblr and Graze when they are both very similar services. The easy answer is simple: more snacks!
Nibblr and Graze have a completely different selection of snacks. I do both services bi-weekly, which gives me 1 box per week, alternating from each company. It keeps my snacks interesting! I think that the quality of the Nibblr snacks is as good as Graze, and I think that Nibblr even has MORE snacks that I love! So far my favorites are Apple of My Pie, Cranberry Crumble, Turtle Twist and Give Me Smore. 
I think the only downfall of Nibblr is that each individual container of snacks seems to contain less food overall than my Graze snacks. I think this is because some of the Nibblr snacks are a bit higher in fat, so they portion them out with less in the container. I am totally fine with that, because I think part of the price point for me is having the pre-portioned snacks to take with me on the go. I can have a sweet treat like “Turtle Twist” and not go over my calories, or eat more than I probably should!
Overall Thoughts
Nibblr is a fantastic snacking service. I love how customizable it is, and how many delicious snacks they have to choose from. These would be great to get for kids as well, as the containers are so easy to pop into a lunch box, or as an after school snack. If you’re interested in getting a free box to try Nibblr for yourself, sign up on their website and use the referral code: 3861.

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All thoughts and opinions in this blog post are genuine and belong to Harlot Beauty. No monetary compensation was received, although goods and/or services may have been provided and accepted for purpose of review. Post may contain affiliate or referral links.

Graze Box Review (March 2014)

It’s time for another Graze box roundup! 
This month, I switched to bi-weekly so I could try a similar subscription service that was suggested to me called “Nibblr.” I’m not going to talk about it here, but expect a detailed review on them soon!
Aside from all that, you’re here for a March Graze Box review!
If you want a more detailed explanation of what Graze is and what they offer, please go HERE.
Basic explanation: They send you 4 pre-portioned snacks from a lineup of over 90 to choose from. Each box is $6, and you can get them once a month, or bi-weekly. 
If you’re interested in trying Graze out for yourself, you can use my referral link and receive your 1st and your 5th box absolutely free! You can cancel after the first box if you want, but trust me, you definitely won’t want to!
(I always donate my referral rewards to the Graze School of Farming which you can learn more about HERE. )
Onward to boxes full of delicious, portioned goodness!
Box #1
 1. Cracking Black Pepper Cashew (whole nuts)- I really love nuts and seeds, so I was excited to try this, as it’s a newer snack. This contains black pepper cashews, roasted unsalted cashews and redskin peanuts. While this was pretty decent, I found that it was a bit bland and boring to be eaten on it’s own as there is no salt on these.
2. Spicy Corn Taco (Savory Selection)- Graze has some of my favorite savory snacks, and this is the first time trying this one. It contains hot chili peanuts, edamame beans and roasted corn. I don’t think the chili peanuts are as spicy as they sound, but they do have a bit of a kick. That chili flavor on the peanuts makes up for the lack of salt on the corn and beans, and this makes for a super satisfying crunchy snack! I don’t think it taste like a taco, but it’s pretty yummy anyway!
3. Honeycomb Flapjack- Flapjacks are still my favorite thing that Graze offers. I truly can get anything like them anywhere else, and overall they’re what keeps me subscribed to Graze. These little oatmeal/granola-like bars are excellent to cure a sweet tooth or if you need some energy on the go. The honeycomb flapjacks are one of my favorites because they have just enough chocolate to be satisfying, but not overly sweet.
4. Triple Berry Smoothie (fruit)- This is another one of the newer snacks and It’s ridiculously good. It has mini strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and banana coins, and really does taste like a fruit smoothie. It has some of my favorite fruits in it, and the Graze strawberries taste like homemade fruit snacks. Yum!
BOX #2
1. Morning Energizer (fruit and nuts)- This is one of the “nutritionist picks” which means it’s super good for you! It contains pears, cherries and walnuts. I think that this can be a little bland if you’re not into everything that in this mix, but I find it to be fresh and tasty. The dried pears are pretty new to me, and I think they’re delish! The tartness of the cherries really flavors this entire snack for me.
2. British Barbecue (savory selections)- British Barbecue is a snack I’ve had a few times, and I always enjoy it. It has rosemary crostini, mini basil bread sticks, spicy seeds and smoked almonds. It’s got a smokey flavor that mixes perfectly with the roasted seeds/almonds, and is offset nicely by the crostini and bread sticks. If you like savory snacks and smokey flavors, this would be a hit!
3. Fruit & Seed Flapjack- Flapjacks: freakin’ delicious, soft granola/oatmeal bars of wonder. Love them, and love this flavor. It’s sweet, but also has a bit of a crunch because of the pumpkin seeds! 
4. Banana Caramel Dippers– I’m on the fence with this one. This is a new snack, and it’s the first time I’ve received it. I am a huge fan of the the summer berry compote, which is very similar to this, but I just wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I like Graze’s shortbread dippers, but the banana flavor on these ones was just a bit too intense for me. I am not a fan of their caramel sauce at all, so it wasn’t a surprise when I didn’t like it with the banana dippers either. I don’t think this is horrible, but I didn’t like it enough to want to get it again. 
Overall Thoughts
I didn’t get any super exciting snacks this month, but I’d say I’m much happier this month than I was in February. I’m glad I got Flapjacks in both boxes, and think that Graze did a good job sending a good mix of snacks in each box! If you’re interested in trying Graze, please consider using my referral code (link is a at the beginning of this post) and get your first and fifth box for free!

Graze Box Review (February 2014)

It’s the end of February (can you believe it??) and it’s time for another Graze box roundup! 
While I DO get one Graze Box a week, there are those weeks where I dig into my snacks WAY too quickly and completely forget that I have a review to do! This month I was able to hold off on two of my boxes, and I was able to try a few things that I haven’t had a chance to before!
If you want a more detail explanation of what Graze is and what they offer, please go HERE.
Basic explanation? They sent you 4 pre-portioned snacks from a lineup of over 90 to choose from. Each box is $6, and you can get them once a month, or bi-weekly. 
If you’re interested in trying Graze out for yourself, you can use my referral link and receive your 1st AND your 5th box absolutely free! You can cancel after the first box if you want, but trust me, you won’t want to!
(I always donate my referral rewards to the Graze School of Farming which you can learn more about HERE. )
Now onto the boxes this Month!
BOX #1
 The snacks that I received in this box were:
1. Jalapeno Fiesta (nuts/seeds/spicy)- This is one I was on the fence about receiving, but with Graze I always find that they get me to like things I never thought I would! This is a mixture of jalapeno peanuts, roasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and salsa almonds. J always jokes that I am like a squirrel, because I LOVE nuts and seeds, and these are delicious! Perfect amount of spicy kick, but not overwhelming, and this snack definitely makes you full and satisfied!
2. Salsa Fresca (dipper)- I was interested to see that I got two dippers in my box this month, since that’s pretty unusual! This one contains “cheesy sombreros” which are basically a light wafer cracker with a natural cheese flavor. Super yummy on their own, but with the tomato salsa fresca, these are even better! This is a mild snack, not really spicy at all, so it’s safe for kids and anyone who isn’t big on a spicy salsa! Delish!
3. Toffee Apple (dipper)- Dipper number 2! This contains dried granny smith apple slices and a toffee sauce for dipping! If you’re ever craving a caramel apple that won’t break your diet, this is the snack for you! Super delicious and satisfying and only 70 calories!
4. Apple Cosmo (fruit)- I’m not a huge fan of the fruit-only medleys, but J loves them so I leave them on my list so he can get a treat every now and then when I get my boxes! This medley is his absolute favorite and contains cranberries, apples and lime-infused raisins. I think these are yummy when I’m in the mood, but I usually need some sort of crunch in my snacks, which is why I prefer to mix the dried fruit with nuts or seeds. However the flavor of this one is absolutely delish!
BOX #2
The snacks that I received in this box were:
1. Chili and Honey Almonds (nuts)- I know, I know these sound really weird, but they are actually tastier than I expected! These are almonds coated in a sweet honey with a bit of a chili-kick in the aftertaste. These shouldn’t taste good, but they do. That’s the only thing I can say! I did find them to be a bit too spicy for my liking, so I ended up trashing them on the site (just means Graze won’t send them again) but I am glad I got to try something different and interesting!
2. Apple and Cinnamon Flapjack – Send me ALL of the flapjacks! These little guys are to this day, my most favorite thing in my Graze boxes. Flapjacks are what happens when oatmeal and granola bars have a baby. They’re not sticky and chewy like a granola bar, and their not a paste like oatmeal, but they are soft like a cookie, and taste like oatmeal but in a granola bar form. I know my description probably makes no sense but they are just delicious. I love this flavor of flapjack, it’s my personal fave! Good luck only eating one of these! Hint: It’s not going to happen!
3. Olive and Rosemary Bruschetta (savory)– This is another one I was on the fence about flavor-wise when I read the name, however this basically taste like pizza flavored deliciousness. This savory medley includes mini tomato breadsticks, rosemary and garlic cashews, and kalamata olive croutons. I’m not a fan of olives at all, but this snack is truly satisfying if you’re craving something like goldfish or pizza. Crunchy and filling! 
4. Little Figgy Went to Market (fruit)- This is one of the rare all-fruit mixes that I absolutely love. It’s such a unique mix of fruits: diced figs, cranberries and apples. It has such a delicious flavor, it’s kind of like pigging out on fig newtons without the guilt! Absolutely yummy!
Overall Thoughts
I wasn’t a huge fan of every single snack this month, but the great thing about Graze is I can trash anything I don’t really like, and each month seems like I get a better and better box, because each month I am rating snacks and customizing my choices more. I always love my flapjacks, and I love my nuts/seeds! If you like what you see here and want to sign up to get Graze box, use my referral code to get your first and 5th box free here:

(boxes are regularly $6 each)

Until next month! (maybe March will be the month I actually remember not to eat the snacks before I photograph them! Wishful thinking!)

Graze Box Review (January 2014)

I had put reviewing my Graze boxes on hold because I wasn’t sure how I wanted to review them. Weekly? monthly? At all? But I finally decided in mid January that I was going to start reviewing them at the end of each month. Basically, if you’ve read my past reviews on Graze, you know the drill, however a few things have changed about their service since the last time I did a review, so I will go into a little bit of detail before I get on with my boxes from this month.
What is a Graze Box?
Graze is a company that delivers boxes of healthy, nutritious snacks to your door and only costs $6 per box. Each box contains 4 individually contained snacks that are per-portioned for you to take on the go, or enjoy at home. You can choose to get the boxes delivered once a month, or bi-weekly. You can also e-mail and request to have them sent weekly and they can occasionally oblige you!
What kind of Snacks are there?
You can visit their site here for more photos, but their snacks include dried fruits, nuts and seeds, granola bars (they call flapjacks) and lots more! There are currently over 90 snacks to choose from, and all of their snacks are designed in their very own Graze Kitchen. They also come out with new snacks all the time!
Can I customize my boxes?
Sort of! Once you join, you’ll be able to look through all the snacks that Graze has to offer and rate them “Try, Like, Love, or Trash.” Choose try if you’re not sure how you feel about the snack, but are open to trying it, like if you’re interested in trying, love if you think/know you’ll love it and want it to be sent to you frequently, or trash if you know you never want to be sent a certain snack.
Graze will then choose snacks for you and put them into your box to try. You will then have the opportunity to adjust your ratings accordingly.
Can I pause my subscription?
Graze is super customizable, and you are able to push back boxes as far as you want! There have been times where I have pushed my deliveries back for a month or two so I can try other things. Of course I always go back to Graze, but it’s great that the option is there!
How do I subscribe?
Simply visit their website and sign up! However, if you want to get your 1st AND your 5th box totally FREE (yay free stuff!) then I would suggest using an invite code from a Graze subscriber. I just happen to have one for you! Just follow this link to get started:

(I ALWAYS donate my referral credits to the Graze School of Farming!)

Just enter that promo code when you sign up and you’ll get your free boxes! You can cancel with just the click of the button if you decide you don’t like it, there’s no hassle or complicated cancellation, and trust me, you won’t want to stop getting these! Regularly priced boxes are $6 each.
On to my boxes from January!
BOX #1
The snacks I received in this box were:
Honeycomb Crunch: (sweet) This one is sooo yummy! It contains raisins, almonds and little pieces of chocolate covered honeycomb. It’s a very nice sweet treat!
Scandinavian Forest: (fruit) This snack contains blueberries, lingonberries, cherry-infused raisins and apples. This is a very tart and delicious selection of dried fruits. My fiance J loves this one!
Black Pepper Pistachios: (nuts) I LOVE pistachios, and I especially love these ones from Graze. When you’re trying to cut back on salt, these pepper-seasoned pistachios are a great alternative!
Fruit & Seed Flapjack: Flapjacks are a softer, more oatmeal-like granola bar that is popular in the UK. These are my favorite things in the Graze boxes because they are great for breakfast! It’s like a lightly sweetened oatmeal bar, and they have a few different flavors to choose from!
BOX #2 

The snacks that I received in this box were:
Cherry Fudge Sundae- (sweet) This snack contains little chocolate fudge pieces, blanched almonds, cherry-infused raisins and cherries. This is so tasty. The cherry-almond flavor with the light taste of chocolate is super delish! Really enjoyed this snack and so did J.
Cookies and Cream- (sweet) This is a strange one. It contains mini cookies, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and white chocolate. I don’t personally think that these things really go together well, so I tend to eat each thing separately rather than at the same time as intended. It’s not a bad one, just not a favorite.
Apple Cosmo- (fruit) This is one of J’s favorites as he loves the dried fruits. This one has apples, lime-infsed raisins, and cranberries. Super fruity and very delicious. Like a grown up pack of fruit snacks!
Brooklyn Bites- (savory) I definitely favor the savory selections that Graze has to offer and this one is a favorite. It contain poppy seed pretzels, cheese cashews and roasted pumpkin seeds. It has a slight BBQ flavor to it, but it’s not overpowering. It’s a great combination and all of it together is super tasty!
I do get 4 boxes per month as I requested to get them weekly, however I just started up my Graze subscription again mid month. I had taken a quick break to try another service and yet again, came back to Graze! I hope you’ll give them a try! You can’t go wrong at $6 a box! Don’t forget to use my promo link (HERE) so that you can get your 1st and 5th box for free!

Graze Box VS. Nature Box: A Comparison Review

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a review! I’ve been putting this one one on my “to do” list for quite awhile now, but I wanted to nom through all my Nature Box snacks that I received so I could do a comprehensive review not only on the subscriptions themselves, but the quality of the snacks. So now that I’m ready to go, let’s do this!
As most of you know, I am obsessed with subscription boxes. Mostly beauty subscriptions, but I recently dove into the world of “snack boxes” and I am ALWAYS looking for healthy snacks. While I’m not the healthiest eater in the world, I much prefer healthy snacks over junk food. I love nuts and seeds over chips and cookies. Not sure why! But those kinds of snacks can get really expensive when you’re buying them at the grocery store. After doing a little online research I came across the lovely, Graze Box!
Graze Box is a fun food subscription service. They send a small box of 4 different healthy snacks in individual serving-size containers. Each box is $6 with shipping included. You can get them bi-weekly, or monthly. They will also occasionally manually change your subscription to weekly under certain circumstances. I had e-mailed them about getting my box weekly and they said that since I lived close to their HQ in New Jersey, that they could change my subscription to weekly. If I lived too far away the boxes might not make it on schedule for a weekly sub. If you’re interested in a weekly sub, simply shoot Graze an e-mail and see what they can do!
Once you sign up with Graze, you can view all of the snacks they have to offer. You can rate them on a scale:
Trash: you never want them to send you this snack
Try: you’re not sure how you feel about it, but you’re open to trying it
Like: something you like/think you would like and you’d enjoy receiving it
Love: something that looks delicious/something you’ve tried and love and want to get more of
This is a great system because you can change it as you go.Another great plus for Graze is that they have excellent customer service. Every time I have had an issue with a box or a concern, they always compensate me and/or answer me as soon as possible. They are very kind and helpful and that’s hard to come by!
(another example of a Graze Box. Yummy!)
Another great thing about Graze Box is that they are always coming out with new snacks. They have over 100 snacks to choose from and counting! They’re snacks have always been fresh and delicious each time I’ve received a box. If you need variety in your snacking, Graze is definitely a good option!
The Cons: Well…they’ve only recently launched in the United States (they’re based in the UK) so boxes have been routinely late in the past. They have fixed this since the the US launch, but I feel that it’s important to point out. Sometimes a week would go by and I wouldn’t receive a box at all. Some weeks I’d receive two. This was a bit bothersome because I depended on my boxes for my weekly snacks. They were always very compensating and kind about it and would give me a free box or 50% off of my next box etc. There are also times where I  disliked the small size of the snacks. This could potentially be a plus for those of you who desire portion-controlled sizes, but I wish they were a bit bigger. I usually bang through one little tray of snacks in a minute and I’m not very satisfied. But you know, that’s just because their snacks are so dang delicious!
Graze Box is Great For: More frequent boxes and delivery customization. Portion control. Control over the kind of snacks you’d like to get. Great variety of snacks.
If you’re interested in signing up with graze, please feel free to use my invite link here:
(I ALWAYS donate my referral credits to the Graze School of Farming!)
Using my invite code will get you your 1st box AND your 5th box totally FREE! Yay!
 Note: I have since cancelled my Nature Box. These prices/opinions reflect the state of Nature Box at the time I was subscribed.

Nature Box is a bit different from Graze Box. They send one box a month (this is not something that can be changed) and you get a choice of 5 different bags of healthy snacks for $19.95, 10 bags for $29.95, or 20 bags of snacks for $49.95.  I really liked the idea of getting resealable, larger bags of snacks, so I decided to give Nature Box a try.
When you sign up with Nature Box, they send you a “starter box” of snacks that they have chosen for you. I received 5 snacks that I was very excited about. The cherry ganache granola is to die for. Some of the snacks were very nice quality and others were not as exciting or fresh-tasting. Their snacks are similar to Graze, but instead of getting 16 small trays of snacks each month, you get 5 bags to last you over the month, and most of them will! If you’d like more examples of snacks that Nature Box offers, check out my other Nature Box snack review HERE.
After your first month with Nature Box, you can continue to let them choose your snacks for you, OR you can shoot them an e-mail and request to choose your own snacks. When it’s time to choose your snacks for your second box, you can go through their list of snacks and choose the 5 that you are most interested in. If you think you might want more snacks that month, you can add more snacks onto your box. The more snacks you add on the less they cost each time, IE: the 6th snack is $4, the 7th is $3 etc etc. They also do “extra” snacks that they send to random subscribers.
The Cons: After having Nature Box for 3 months, I decided to cancel due to the cons. An issue they consistently had was they never had the snacks I wanted in stock during the time I was supposed to choose my snacks. They also have incredibly slow shipping. These things may or may not bother you, and if the pros out weigh the cons for you, then Nature Box may be a good choice. However, my 3rd Nature box was very disappointing. You can read about why I canceled this subscription in more detail HERE. However, I will say that the quality of their snacks plummeted over the short 3 month period, and they were not very interested in hearing about the low quality of their snacks. They also did not refund the money I had spent on that box, even though they had assured me they would. It’s very difficult to cancel Nature Box as well. There is no easy “unsubscribe” button. There may be now, but when I attempted to cancel, I was directed to a phone number. All that hassle just doesn’t seem worth it.
Nature Box is Great For: Larger, resealable bags of snacks. Choice of getting more or less snacks in each box. Clearly labeled vegan, gluten free, and organic options.
Both services are worth the money if you’re in the market for a variety of healthy snacks. You don’t have to search high and low at your local Whole Foods or health store to find good tasting snacks. Graze Box is great if you want more control over how often you get your boxes, or the portions etc. Graze Box also has excellent customer service and a wide variety of snacks. Nature Box is good if you’re interested in larger sized bags of snacks, and more control over which snacks you want to receive and how many. They are also excellent for vegan/organic/gluten free options that are labeled on their site and on the bags as well.
I had originally put my Graze Box on hold so that I could try a few months of Nature Box, and while I expected to like Nature Box much better, I eventually canceled and returned to Graze Box. I find Graze Box to have a more user-friendly website, that their snacks are superior in flavor and in quality, and that I am never bored with the snacks I receive. They’re customer service is exceptional to boot.

Final Thought: While I was originally impressed with Nature Box, I found them to be the inferior company when it came to snack quality and customer service. I have continued my Graze Box subscription and have been a very happy customer. I do think that Nature Box could work for some people, especially if you have dietary restrictions. My personal preference is Graze Box!